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Pediatric Chiropractic at Innerlux Healing Collective

child having back adjustedAt Innerlux Healing Collective, we recognize that the birth process is one of the most stressful events your child can go through. During delivery, upwards of 50+ lbs of pressure may be applied to a baby’s neck and spine which is enough pressure to produce spinal damage. The upper neck protects and houses the brainstem which contains millions of neurons. The goal of pediatric chiropractic is to remove interference from this area so a child’s brain can communicate efficiently to the rest of their body. Pediatric chiropractic care is essential for all stages of development- from babies throughout adolescents, adjustments play a crucial role in supporting optimal growth, neurologic function, and overall health.

Why Does My Child Need Chiropractic?

Pediatric care ensures less stress on a child’s nervous system and establishes a strong foundation for their future well-being. Many physical and emotional issues we experience in adolescence and adulthood can stem from early childhood trauma. Therefore, the sooner it is addressed the more likely we are to avoid future problems from progressing. While children may not present with pain as adults do, the most significant neurologic changes occur during their formative years. Our goal is to promote normal growth and development and prevent abnormal patterns from forming. We know that raising healthy kids today creates healthy adults in the future!

Our Unique Perspective

Our doctors’ commitment to pediatric care stems from their personal experiences. Both were introduced to chiropractic care by their parents early in life, learning that health isn’t solely achieved through medication or surgery. Instead, they discovered the innate ability of our bodies to heal. This exposure to alternative healing methods shaped their approach to health and wellness and led them to take advanced courses from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).

Dr. Courtney has received her certification from the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP), and Dr. Taylor is in the final stage of completing hers. Both doctors are certified in the Webster Technique for pregnancy as well.

baby being adjusted

We perform a comprehensive evaluation during the initial visit, including a heart rate variability scan and postural assessment (if indicated) -non-invasive analyses that monitors adaptability and/or structure without any radiation or discomfort. Additionally, X-rays will be taken as needed for those 7 and older or children with a history of significant injury.

Parents often ask what the adjustment entails and how it benefits their child, especially when they don’t have pain. Gentle adjustments are performed, often using an Activator® tool or light pressure to optimize the child’s nervous system. Our approach varies depending on the child’s age and comfort level; adjustments can be done without any twisting, popping, or cracking. Manual adjustments may be introduced at the appropriate ages based on skeletal maturity.

Decades of research have demonstrated the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care. Refer to the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) website for an extensive collection of information including research studies, chiropractic case reports, and other published papers demonstrating the effectiveness of chiropractic care for children.

Pediatric chiropractic offers a multitude of potential health benefits for children, including:

  • Addressing falls, slips, and sports injuries
  • Balancing and regulating mood and anxiety
  • Enhancing concentration and memory
  • Facilitating milestone achievements

  • Fostering normal growth and development
  • Improving digestion and sleep
  • Preventing scoliosis
  • Reducing symptoms associated with ADD and ADHD
  • And more…

Some of our favorite pediatric success stories involve children with ear infections, ADHD, and developmental delays. Chiropractic care has helped these kids improve their health, reduce medication dependency, and reach their developmental milestones.

Better Health for Your Child Naturally

At Innerlux Healing Collective, we’re dedicated to providing the compassionate pediatric chiropractic care your child needs to thrive. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience better health and well-being from an early age.



Pediatric Chiropractic Denver CO | (303) 381-0057